I'm not sure when it hit me, but I've always related life to music and music to life. Anyone who knows me realizes this. I have always realized that writing good lyrics and good music to accompany isn't easy. As I've gotten more involved in writing I've come to realize a good idea, concept or thought is a process that evolves. I have found that while an idea may come together within a day, an hour or literally minutes, generally the formless or structured thought has been circling around in my mind for a while. Sometimes, all it takes is a little nudge, conversation or event to crystallized the idea. Music I believe flows similarly.
Quality music is art in words, a story that is put to a symphony of sound. Sometimes it can be a simple statement like "It's Time" by Imagine Dragons in which the lead singer tells his struggles to get to where he is now in a poetic fashion. He tells how he hasn't lost himself in the process. The musical arrangement on the song I believe is time perfectly to the story. It slowly builds as his story is told and it hits a crescendo as he expresses how he has kept himself in the process of his personal and career development. Sometimes, it can be a more complex story.
Either way, having poetic lyrics effectively written and then tied to sound from what I see is a process that evolves over time. From what I see, it is a process that for most successful musicians/songwriters happens only a few times in life, just as pearls are a rare gift from oysters.
We take it for granted, but I believe that even the most talented songwriters and musicians realize this and they try to strike gold when they are in the zone.
Anyway, just a thought. So, please take with the me the opportunity to enjoy a Christmas treasure with me while appreciating this thought.
Merry Christmas,
Either way, having poetic lyrics effectively written and then tied to sound from what I see is a process that evolves over time. From what I see, it is a process that for most successful musicians/songwriters happens only a few times in life, just as pearls are a rare gift from oysters.
We take it for granted, but I believe that even the most talented songwriters and musicians realize this and they try to strike gold when they are in the zone.
Anyway, just a thought. So, please take with the me the opportunity to enjoy a Christmas treasure with me while appreciating this thought.
Merry Christmas,